Angelo Schembri

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H�Usliche Krankenpflegedienste Betreuung Zu Hause Pflegeheime & Seniorenbetreuung Ambulante Behandlung


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My philosophy of nursing care is based on the principles that guarantee patient care through placing the person cared for always at the center of my practices and, last but not least, on human values ​​which in my opinion are essential.
The key principles for implementing my treatments are:
Person-centred: They place the patient at the center of every decision and action. This approach considers the person in their entirety, respecting their needs, desires and values.
Holistic: To be best implemented, nursing care must adopt a holistic approach, considering not only the physical aspects of the disease or condition, but also the psychological, social, spiritual and emotional ones. The family and the social context are important resources and fundamental actors to be involved in the care of the person.
Empathic: Creating a relationship of trust with the patient and his family by providing moral as well as physical support.
Professional and Ethical: Nursing practice is guided by codes of ethics that ensure respect, dignity, fairness and integrity in all interactions with patients and their families.
Continuous Education: The importance of continuous professional updating is fundamental to provide adequate care and keep up with updates in the medical field, which is constantly evolving. For example, I am currently undergoing graduate training in mental health, psychiatry.
Interprofessional Collaboration: In my vision, patient care is seen as a collaborative activity involving various health professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors, pharmacies, medical specialists, hospitals and healthcare institutions) to ensure complete and coordinated, these collaborations are a source of personal and professional growth. I establish a direct relationship with the treating doctor on a case-by-case basis in order to obtain more complete care and to optimize the care of the person.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: During the practice of daily care, it is important to promote and encourage behaviors that favor the maintenance or improvement of the autonomy of the assisted person, which improve health and prevent diseases, educating towards healthy lifestyles .
These philosophies and principles are put into practice every day, they make the difference in caring for the person being cared for, they highlight the importance and effectiveness of quality nursing care.

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.07.2024 03:53
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